Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Top 10 Memorable Moments and Stuff

2008 was such a wild and memorable year, I thought I'd honour it with a top 10 memories list, an exercise I know invites criticism, but, as Harold Pinter once said, "I'm the author of this play". If you don't like it, you are welcome to make your own:)

10. Terrorist strikes in India
9. Earthquake in China
8. Beijing Olympics opening ceremonies
7. Yael Naim sings "New Soul"
6. David Wroblewski's "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle"
5. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
4. The economy
3. Nadal/Federer match (even if Federer lost)
2. Momentous losses - Tim Russert (I cried for 3 days), Paul Newman, Arthur C. Clarke, Harold Pinter, Heath Ledger and Jeff Healey
1. Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States

My hubby thinks The Nadal/Federer match belongs waaaay behind the Earthquake and Terrorist strikes in terms of importance -ok true - but if I were to evaluate on the basis of uniqueness - well I'd say there are earthquakes and terrorist strikes just about every year but when did we last see a duel comparable to Wimbledon this year?!

Tell me your top 10!! I promise I won't shoot.