It is Mother's Day and I should be at some spa getting my nails painted, my back massaged, every once in a while sipping a relaxing cup of green tea - but I have two sick kids, hubby is away and so, I am housebound. Instead, I went looking for my daughter's "Baby" and in the process, gutted her room, then reorganised it - but why stop there? I redecorated it. I did not find Baby until I was finished. She conveniently appeared underneath the family room couch.
So - what next?

How about cleaning the fridge? I decided to rummage through, throw anything old out (that's almost everything in my fridge) and upon doing so found some items of curiosity. Pickled asparagus. What do you do with pickled asparagus? What do you do with "vegetable spread"? Canned sour cherries? And how did these things end up in my fridge in the first place? I have a rule. If I can't think of what to do with something within 20 seconds, it goes in the garbage - so off they went, into the same trash can that has become home to most of what was in my daughter's room. It wasn't the way I expected to celebrate Mother's Day but, it was, in a strange way, enjoyable.