Yet another (not so) great pretender. Tell me, what is it that makes a guy like this act like such a dufus? His own band looks embarrassed! This is what everyday people like me hate about Hollywood stars like him - this sense of entitlement and self-importance that seems to consume celebrities. They are holier-than-though one moment and selfish, ignorant clods the next - and nobody - I mean NOBODY - is allowed to call them on it. I am told it's the pressure of the business. I say it's the fact they have too much already - too much money, too much stuff and way too much attention - so much so that someone like Billy Bob Thorton would think his mediocre music (which, despite five albums, nobody has ever heard of) should stand on its own. Um, I don't think so Bad Santa...
Update: Billy Bob Thorton got his due with lashings from a Canadian audience - and that sent him packing. Good riddance!
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