My apologies to those visitors wondering where all the posts have gone. I have been a negligent blogger of late. Work is very demanding thanks, of course, to the deteriorating economy and clients’ tightening purse strings. That means we are all working twice as hard for the same business.
There’s a sign above the exit of one the “modules” in our office building that says “Nobody ever said on their deathbed they wish they spent more time at the office.” But here I am doing exactly that, day and night spent trying to find out where our next piece of business is going to come from. And with the vast majority of my work sent to India, my days are even longer, as I meet with colleagues half way around the world, early in the morning, late at night. All of us are scared, all of us all over the world, wondering what will come of the next year – will things bounce back or will the economy completely unravel? Will we be here, amongst other heads-down toiling workers or will we be another nameless face in a long unemployment line?
Our company recently announced their 2008 fourth quarter results and 2009 outlook. Ours was a modest performance but the stock market, so desperate for good news, rewarded the disclosure with a 300 point bump on the NY Stock Exchange! Yes, I work for a very big company, but this is still quite a feat considering Obama’s inauguration couldn’t breathe even a glimmer of hope into the markets.
These are difficult times - but I don't feel the worst of it. So many others have far greater difficulties to attend to - where to get a job, how to feed their kids. People ask me how I am these days - and I say "very busy". It used to be a comment that would elicit sympathy, as if one should be more relaxed, on a permanent vacation. But these days, it gets a much different response. "You're lucky" I'm told. Yes, indeed. I am very lucky.
So if you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’m still here, more sporadic than usual, but still here, working away, doing my best to outlast 2009. Cross your fingers for me, yourself and everyone else out there. It’s a long, tight race but I’m hoping for the best.