Saturday, January 17, 2009

Miracles Great and Small

Yes another image of Flight 1549 and it’s now famous landing on the Hudson River (this one a Dateline special). I want to revel in this miracle, cheer it on and hope for more. I know they’re separate forces, but I cannot help but think of this rare landing alongside the inauguration of President Obama – two good omens, side-by-side, if only because they both bring wonder and joy. And yet, I believe they converge for far greater reasons than mere coincidence. They both signal a new hope, another chance…that things will get better. If a miracle can happen on the Hudson, then maybe it can happen in our own lives too.

It’s been a rough ride for me these last couple of years. Work and family issues brought pressures that my body could no longer tolerate - and I fell apart. Then - I don’t know what it was - maybe I felt that good force – but I came out of the cave, I took control and, for the first time in seemingly forever, looked up. Things aren’t perfect – coming back is a process, not an event – but I feel more energy and confidence and hope than I have in a long time. It’s my little miracle and I am most grateful it brought me back.