Well our family is about to increase in size by one thanks to a recent downpayment on a baby German Shepherd boy! We have last pick of the litter and I don't yet know which is ours (we pick it up April 15th) but wanted to show you a picture of one of our baby's brothers! He is to-die-for-adorable!! And his name is Bronson.
Which brings me to the purpose of this particular post. We are in serious need of a baby-namer! We have some ideas. Let me pass them by you but we are at a bit of a standstill and would appreciate any ideas! Of course, I am hoping my tennis buddies have some tennis inspired names to share. Here is what we have come up with so far (remember - we need boy names):
Dawson - great name but then I think Katie Holmes, then Tom Cruise and then jumping on the couch which my dog is absolutely not going to do! And if he ever gets wierd like Cruise, he's a gonner. Besides, the name is a bit difficult to yell - and I see us shortening this up to Dawzie which could evolve into Dozie if he doesn't live up to his Mensa-grade lineage.
Tucker - my eldest thought of this one. At first I really liked it and then I thought omigod it's waaaay too close to F___K-ER!! I can just see it. One bad move in the neighbourhood and he is forever blacklisted!
Akio - I love this one. It is Japanese for "Intelligent boy" which fits the highly intelligent shepherd. And I have always found German Shepherds to be kinda sorta Japanese - like noble Samurai warriors of origami construction. My family just thinks it's pretentious - you tell me!
Jesse - I think this would be perfect but our neighbour's daughter's name is Jesse. So, your opinion on this. Do you think they'd be flattered or offended if we named our beautiful dog after their beautiful daughter?
And then some tennis ones:
Mac - after the only other man I have ever loved, John McEnroe
Becker - well, Boris is German, the dog is German...
Some we won't consider:
Jake - my cousin's son's name - my cousin would definately not be flattered!
Buddy - neighbour's dog's name
Bentley - neighbour's dog's name
Luke - too close to "puke" - too many pre-pubescent boys on the street for that one to ever be safe
Jimbo - never liked the conceited Conners - especially when he'd cup his hands against his groin, then shoot them up to the sky as if to offer his balls to the tennis gods. His gift to the world. I want to Luke - I mean puke - just at the thought of it!
Let me know your thoughts. All ideas will be taken under serious consideration!
Update: Tucker it is!!